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VIEWS OF OUR ORGANIZATIONPage 1    Page 2  Page 3  Page 4
We are the guardians of Mother Earth...Pachamama...La Madre Tierra. We come from uncounted generations of indigenous llama herding traders. We are American Indians trying to survive in a world of inevitable changes. We have a plan for protecting and improving our culture by sharing it with you. Enjoy these photographs and please write us with your comments.
E-mail us at:   AKATAKSA
Pacha Mama, Tata Inti-Willka... Mother Earth, Father Sun... grant us the strength to respect those whom we are not, and to maintain the identity of who we are... guardians of the Earth. "Pachamama," "Tata Inti-Willka," la Madre Tierra, El Dios Sol, nos otorga la fuerza para respetar ellos quien nosotros no somos, y para mantener la identidad de como somos... guardianes de La Tierra.
Our "Ch'amanchiri," or "He Who Gives Force."Nuestro "Ch'amanchiri," or "El Que da Fuerza y Animos."